Meals are being served daily at the back gate of Ramana's Garden Children's Homein Rishikesh, India for the hungry poor who have no where to shelter in place.
Lockdown in this country of 1.3 billion will mean starvation for many, and Ramana's Garden refuses to turn a blind eye to hungry people in their village.
While they normally would all be in their mountain retreat, the lockdown has forced them to shelter in place in their Tapovan village, Rishikesh compound, and by being there, they have made it a mission to feed the hungry.
They continue to keep the children safe and have ropes to prevent people from entering their sanctuary, but take what they have to share with all for nutritious, lifesaving meals.
The line at the gate grows longer everyday.
If you want to support Ramana's Garden, you can donate to us with a note "Ramana's Covid".